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15 results German - English substring search »
Besitz {m}   -   holdings
Goldbestand   -   gold holdings
Geldbestände   -   money holdings
Kassenbestand   -   cash holdings
Aktienbesitz {m}   -   share holdings
Wechselbestand   -   bill holdings
Dollarreserve   -   dollar holdings
Goldreserven   -   holdings of gold
Freihandbestand {pl}   -   open access holdings
Wertpapierbestände   -   holdings of securities
Bestand an Diskontwechseln   -   discount holdings
Reserven in ausländischer Währung   -   holdings of foreign currency
Präsenzbestand {m}   -   non-circulation collection; reference holdings; non-lending collection
Aktienbesitz   -   shareholdings
Vorenthaltungen {pl}   -   withholdings
Theory of Selective Supervision: The one time in the day that you lean back and relax is the one time the boss walks through the office.
processing time: 0.107 [sec]

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