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193 results German - English substring search »
Fuge, Verbindungsstelle   -   joint
Fuge {f}; Verbindungsstelle {f}   -   joint
Knoten, Gelenk [math.]   -   node, joint
Joint {m} (Haschischzigarette)   -   joint
Keule {f}; Braten {m}   -   joint
Laden {m}; Bude {f}   -   joint
Loetung   -   joint
Lötung {f}; Lötnaht {f}   -   joint
V-Fuge   -   V-joint
gemeinsam   -   joint
Trennfuge   -   joint
verbunden   -   joint
Verbindung {f}   -   joint
Arthrose, degenerative Gelenkerkrankung   -   arthrosis, joint disease (medical)
Miterbe   -   joint heir
   |    next 15 »
"You're a creature of the night, Michael. Wait'll Mom hears about this." -- from the movie "The Lost Boys"
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