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94 results German - English substring search »
lesen   -   read
lesen   -   to read {read; read}
Ablesung, Lesung, lesen   -   reading
Ablesung {f}; Lesung {f}; Lesen {n}   -   reading
Bildung {f}; Gebildetsein {n}; Fähigkeit zu lesen und zu schreiben   -   literacy
laut lesen   -   read aloud
nochmals lesen   -   reread
falsch lesen   -   to misread
laut lesen   -   to read aloud
gründlich lesen   -   proofread
flüssig lesen   -   read fluently
gestreutes Lesen   -   scatter read
Lesen Sie es ab!   -   Read it off!
leichter zu lesen   -   easier to read
   |    next 15 »
"It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it." -- Henry Allen
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