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43 results German - English substring search »
Eid, Schwur, Fluch   -   oath
Eid {m}   -   oath
Eid {m}; Schwur {m}; Fluch {m}   -   oath
unter Eid   -   on oath
Meineid   -   false oath
unter Eid   -   under oath
Amtseid {m}   -   oath of office
Diensteid, Amtseid   -   oath of office
Eidesformel {f}   -   form of oath
Eid schwören   -   swear an oath
Eidesleistung {f}   -   oath taking
Zeugeneid {m}   -   oath of a witness
Fahneneid {m}   -   oath of allegiance
Eides Statt   -   to declare on oath
einen Eid ablegen   -   take an oath
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Larkinson's Law: All laws are basically false.
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