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231 results German - English substring search »
Pfad   -   path
Pfad, Weg, Fußpfad   -   path
Pfad, Zweig   -   path
Weg {m} [math.]   -   path
Pfad {m}; Weg {m}; Zweig {m}   -   path
Pfad; Weg   -   path
Seitenweg {m}   -   by path
Flugweg {m}   -   flight path
Gartenweg {m}   -   garden-path
Kreisbahn {f}   -   circular path
Schleichweg {m}   -   hidden path
schmaler Pfad   -   narrow path
Zugriffspfad {m}   -   access path
Strahlengang {m}   -   optical path
Wegintegral {n} (über beliebige Wege) [math.]   -   path integral
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Stenderup's Law: The sooner you fall behind, the more time you will have to catch up.
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