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12 results German - English substring search »
aussagen   -   predicate
Prädikat {n}   -   predicate
aussagen   -   to predicate
Eigenschaft {f}; Prädikat {n}   -   predicate
Satzaussage {f}   -   predicate
Prädikatenlogik {f}   -   predicate logic
Operatorprädikat {n}   -   predicate operator
Prädikatrechnung {f}   -   predicate calculus
Prädikatensynthese {f}   -   predicate synthesis
sagt aus   -   predicates
ausgesagt   -   predicated
behauptete   -   predicated
"Those who will be able to conquer software will be able to conquer the world." -- Tadahiro Sekimoto, president, NEC Corp.
processing time: 0.044 [sec]

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