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47 results German - English substring search »
zuerst   -   primary
Franghi, Franji, Primäraffekt, Mutterpapel   -   hard chancre, primary lesion, primary eruption (from syphilis) (medical)
primär   -   primary; main
ursprünglich, erst   -   primary, first (medical)
ursprünglich, hauptsächlich, erstklassig   -   primary
Primärluft {f}   -   primary air
Urstoff {m}   -   primary matter
Grundfarbe   -   primary colour
Hauptmarkt   -   primary market
Hauptschuld {f}   -   primary debt
Primärdatei {f}   -   primary file
Primärdaten {pl}   -   primary data
Erstsprache   -   primary speech
Hauptakzent, -ton   -   primary stress
Grundfarben   -   primary colours
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"There was no difference between the behavior of a god and the operations of pure chance..." -- Thomas Pynchon, _Gravity's Rainbow_
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