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211 results German - English substring search »
Vorteile {pl}   -   pros
das Für und Wider   -   the pros and cons
prost   -   skoal
Prosa {f}   -   prose
prost   -   cheers
Schritt {m}; Stufe {f}; Sprosse {f}   -   step
Spross {m}   -   scion
Spross {m} (Pflanze)   -   shoot
Sprosse {f}   -   rung
blühen, gedeihen, vorankommen, wachsen   -   prosper
erzählt   -   proses
Lepra {f}   -   leprosy
erzählte   -   prosed
Sprosse {pl}   -   scions
Dirne   -   prostitute
   |    next 15 »
People who think they know everything greatly annoy those of us who do.
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