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42 results German - English substring search »
zuständig   -   responsible
Zuständig   -   Responsible
beantwortbar   -   responsible
mündig   -   responsible; mature
verantwortlich   -   responsible
rechtsfähig   -   legally responsible
verantwortlichere   -   more responsible
verantwortlichste   -   most responsible
haftbar; verantwortlich   -   responsible
mitverantwortlich   -   jointly responsible
angesehener Bürger   -   responsible citizen
verantwortlich machen, haftbar machen   -   hold responsible
regreßpflichtig   -   responsible for recourse
verantwortungsbewusst   -   responsible-minded
zuverlässiger Diener   -   responsible servant
   |    next 15 »
Blessed is he who has reached the point of no return and knows it, for he shall enjoy living. -- W. C. Bennett
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