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31 results German - English substring search »
Sattel {m}   -   saddle
satteln   -   to saddle
Hohlkeil {m}   -   saddle key
Sattelfläche {f} [math.]   -   saddle
Rohrband {n}   -   saddle clip
sattelfest   -   saddle fast
Saumsattel {m}   -   pack saddle
Damensattel {m}   -   side saddle
Sattelgurt {m}   -   saddle girth
Satteltasche {f}   -   saddle bag
Satteldecke {f}   -   saddle cloth
Sattelpferd {n}   -   saddle horse
Sattelpunkt {m} [math.]   -   saddle point
Fahrradsattel {m}   -   bicycle saddle
Lammrücken gebraten   -   roast saddle of lamb
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