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14 results German - English substring search »
Hartgeld {n}   -   specie
in bar   -   in specie
Valorenversicherung   -   insurance of specie in transit
Art {f}   -   species
Sorte {f}; Spezies {f}   -   species
Unterart {f}; Unterarten {pl}   -   subspecies
Unterart, -klasse   -   sub-species
artenarm   -   species-poor
Holzart {f}   -   wood species
Tierart {f}   -   animal species
Gattung {f}   -   genus; species; kind; type
Artgenosse {m}   -   member of the same species
Pflanzenart {f}   -   plant species; species of plant
Artenschutzabkommen {n}   -   Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
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