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31 results German - English substring search »
stumm   -   dumb
stumm   -   mute
stumm   -   mutely
stumm   -   silent
[ Personenname ]   -   Stumm
stumm wie ein Fisch   -   as mute as a maggot; (as) silent as the grave
stumme   -   dumbly
Stummel {m}   -   snag
Stummel {m} (Bleistift-; Kerzen-)   -   stub
Stummel {m}   -   stump
Stummel {pl}   -   snags
stummer   -   dumber
Stummeln {pl}   -   stumps
stummste   -   dumbest
Stummheit {f}   -   dumbness
   |    next 15 »
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