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46 results German - English substring search »
daher   -   thus
dieses   -   thus
folglich   -   thus
dadurch; so   -   thus
demnach   -   thus; so
so; auf diese Weise   -   thus
daraus wird ersichtlich, dass   -   thus it appears that
so   -   thusly
dornig   -   acanthuses
begeistere   -   enthuse
Bärenklau {m}; Akanthus   -   acanthus
begeisterte   -   enthused
schwärmend   -   enthusing
Schwärmer {m}   -   enthusiast
auf diese Weise   -   thusly
   |    next 15 »
While your friend holds you affectionately by both your hands you are safe, for you can watch both of his. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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