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31 results German - English substring search »
Gewebe {n}   -   tissue
Blastozyt   -   blastocyte, blastocyst, blastula embryonic tissue formed before implantation (medical)
Zellulitis, Orangenhaut   -   cellulitis, inflammation of connective tissue (medical)
Kontraktur, unwillkürliche Dauerverkürzung bestimmter Muskeln   -   contracture, shortening of a member, muscle or tissue (medical)
das Fettgewebe   -   fat tissue
Seidenpapier {n}   -   tissue paper
das Fettgewebe   -   fatty tissue
Endometriosis, Adenomyositis, Endometriom, mesonephrisches Myom, Hysteroadenosis   -   endometriosis, growth of endometrial tissue in abnormal places (medical)
das Narbengewebe   -   scar tissue
Seidenpapiere {pl}   -   tissue papers
das Fettgewebe   -   adipose tissue
Bindegewebe {f}   -   connective tissue
das Lymphgewebe   -   adenoid tissue
Klopapier, das   -   bathroom tissue / US
Papiertaschentuch {n}   -   (soft) tissue
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Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. -- Alan Watts
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