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204 results German - English substring search »
Probe, Versuch   -   trial
Prüfung {f}   -   trial
Prüfung {f}; Probe {f}; Verhandlung {f}; Prozess {m}   -   trial
Versuch {m}; Untersuchung {f}; Erprobung {f}   -   trial
Probeversuch {m}   -   trial
Probestab {m}   -   trial rod
Probe (Versuch) {f}   -   trial
[ Personenname ]   -   Trial
der Fahrtest   -   road trial
Feldversuch {m}   -   field trial
Hexenprozess {m}   -   witch trial
Probeauftrag {m}   -   trial order
Probebilanz   -   trial balance
der Fahrversuch   -   road trial
Staatsprozess {m}   -   state trial
   |    next 15 »
The human race never solves any of its problems. It merely outlives them. -- David Gerrold
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