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145 results German - English substring search »
Wein   -   wine
Wein {m} (Getränk)   -   wine
Most {m} (vergoren); Fruchtwein {m}   -   fruit wine
Portwein {m}   -   port wine
Südwein {m}   -   sweet wine
Weinfass {n}   -   wine cask
Weinglas {n}   -   wine glas
Weinjahr {n}   -   wine year
Weinkarte {f}   -   wine list
Weißwein {m}   -   white wine
Tafelwein {m}   -   table wine
Weinjahre {pl}   -   wine years
[ Personenname ]   -   Wine
der Reiswein   -   rice wine
Kellerei {f}   -   wine cellars
   |    next 15 »
"Only a brain-damaged operating system would support task switching and not make the simple next step of supporting multitasking." -- George McFry
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