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17 Ergebnisse German - English whole word search »
sagend - telling
weissagend - foretelling  
eindrucksvoll - tellingly
vorhersagend - foretelling  
heimleuchtend - telling off  
Wahrsagen {n} - fortunetelling  
wiedererzählend - retelling  
  [ Personenname ] - Stelling  
  [ Personenname ] - Hotelling  
  [ Personenname ] - Stellings
anschwindelnd - telling a lie  
Wahrsagerei {f} - fortune telling  
  [ Personenname ] - Houghtelling  
  [ Personenname ] - Tellinghuisen
  sagend; erzählend; erzählende - telling  
   |    next 15 »
He's the kind of guy, that, well, if you were ever in a jam he'd be there... with two slices of bread and some chunky peanut butter.

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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