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92 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Maß, Portion, Dosis - dose
  Portion - helping
  Portion {f} - serving
zuteilen - to portion
Abflachung {f} - flat portion  
Mitgift {f} - marriage-portion  
Pflichtteil {n} - legal portion  
  Ziffernteil {m} (rechtes Halbbyte) - numeric portion  
  eine Portion ... - a dish of ...  
  der Kostenanteil - portion of costs  
  eine Portion Eis - a dish of ice-cream  
  eine zweite Portion - a second helping  
  Teil einer Anleihe - portion of a loan  
  Fish and Chips: 1 Portion - one and one (UK-slang)  
Bauchwirbelsäule - lumbar portion of the spinal column (medical)  
   |    next 15 »
"To IBM, 'open' means there is a modicum of interoperability among some of their equipment." -- Harv Masterson

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