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59 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
herum - around
  rund um - around  
  epidural, extradural, supradural - epidural, extradural the space where spinal fluid circulates around the cord (medical)  
ringsherum - around  
rundum - all around  
überall - all-around  
  um ... herum - around  
Umgriff {m} - wrap-around  
  Komplement, Serumbestandteil, spezifische Wirkung eines Antikörpers - complement, a collection of around 20 blood proteins (medical)  
umhören - to ask around  
Gelaufe {n} - running around  
schäkern - to joke around  
umkehren - to turn around  
verarscht - messed around, taken for a ride  
Gammelei {f} - loafing around  
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filibuster, n.: Throwing your wait around.

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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